100: Small World

Would you believe we've reached ONE HUNDRED pages? I'd be hard pressed to believe it. Truly, it's flown by so quickly -- but then again, I just write the script.

What does a hundred pages of Captain Tempest mean? It means a little under two years of living with these characters, probing the boundaries of their world and the confines of their hearts. It's meant clearing ground and putting up tentpoles and lighting the stage and finding, here and there, friendly faces in the bleachers. It's meant no small amount of vertigo to look back and realize, holy cow, there's some real story behind us.
More than what we've done, though, we're both excited about what's in store. Every page we've put together has left us feeling better about the next page to come, and it's a thrilling thing to feel like we've built a tidy little mountain from which to scout the coming course. It feels a little odd to talk about a hundred pages of art as if it were just groundwork for something else, but I guess that's the curse and the benefit of creative life.

Now, in an especially rare treat, I managed to track down Emmett and wrangle a statement out of him to mark this occasion. It reads as follows:

I... thank everyone for coming along on this ride, it's been a... blast? And I hope everyone keeps their seatbelts fashioned because this next bit... is gonna be wild.

I couldn't agree more. Here's to the next hundred!