31: What Lies Ahead

Hey there, folks! We don't tend to speak up here much, because we don't have a lot to say. We try to put everything we've got up on the page, and prefer to let it speak for itself. But, we figured, the conclusion of our first Chapter called for a word or two.

It's been a busy year for us, and to be honest we can hardly believe that this project is well and truly in the air. Its earliest stages were as a series of hand-stapled comic books Emmett gave out as Christmas presents back when we were kids. Pam and MacGoyer originated in a play about a pulp author that Gordon wrote during our senior year of high school. Versions of the first few pages were written and outlined in the summer of 2018.

What we're trying to express is the strangeness of seeing characters we've only caught fleeting glimpses of for most of our lives sprung fully formed into their own story. At times it feels less like making a comic and more like digging into a box in the attic and finding a water-warped folio. The spine barks as we peel it open to reveal pages of yellow newsprint clippings. Each is crudely, carefully trimmed out of their native comics page and affixed with paste. They're curling and flake apart when we're not careful, but the story's been here waiting for almost a hundred years, and we're just the latest people to fall in love with it. We dearly hope that we won't be the last.

We'll be taking a week off for New Year's but don't worry - Captain Tempest, Pam, and MacGoyer will be back January 11th for the start of their second chapter! We can't wait for you all to see it.

Join us then in...

The Castle of the Skylance